Manada 6-10-2022

Caught a bunch of these. I call them "Manada Trout". Damn near every cast with a nymph caught one in varying sizes. Fun to catch I suppose but they're not…
Manada is a stream that is quick to warm and clouds up quickly from a rain so it's not high on my list of favored trout streams. Rumors have it that it is prone…
Still, there are riffles and pools and a few undercut banks that kinda get you excited.
I got tired of fighting the chubs so I put on a top water. Second cast I got this little REAL trout. Very cool.
It was in this section that usually holds chubs.
Then another little one struck. Inbetween I had a few on...and off and a couple that hit with a lot of sound and fury but this was the one that made it to the…